Our Philosophy
The higher aim of education is to guide the emergence of complete individuals who utilize their physical, mental, and spiritual potential with strong self-determination and logical thinking. These individuals will be capable of self-understanding and self-knowledge which will allow them to surpass societal limitations and guide their actions towards creative and innovative heights, paving the way to new realms of human existence. The most important step towards achieving this goal is creating a school that mirrors real-life experiences, that offers children the opportunity to learn and grow in a respectful and democratic atmosphere, and that aids students in building and maintaining relationships with others and with their surroundings, thus enriching the individuals’ experiences, developing their personalities, and building their moral character. Such a school will offer each child a sound academic base as well as the important skills and learning strategies needed to promote creativity and free-thinking. In this school, a child will be able to grow and mature according to appropriate developmental stages and will be capable of acquiring knowledge in this ever-changing world. The work of creating such a school is a weighty undertaking that must be based on sound educational and moral philosophies from which goals are set and needs are assessed. To this work we give up the delicate and trusting souls that hold in them our futures, our greatest treasures, our children.


الوطن يحتاج أكثر من جغرافيا نتعلمها لنعشقه ونرتبط به يحتاج حب وانتماء….
لنغرق فيه ونعطيه ونعيش كل حالاته وانفعالاته

رنا بيتموني

مديرة الوطنية


Al Sabboura
Sunday To Thursday